IOLabCEF_0.29.860 - (01-07-2015) - Save user data in the user's Documents folder on windows as on macosx - Set magnetometer default scale to 150 micro Tesla IOLabCEF_0.27.848 - (12-11-2014) - Acquisition reload based on *.raw and *.bson files saved on rawdata working directory - Data loading performance improvement (use binary buffer instead of bson for the data transfer) IOLabCEF_0.26.810 - (11-20-2014) - ECG (9 leads) management with csv export of the original 6 leads - vertical and horizontal zoom available for the chart mode IOLabCEF_0.24.787 - (09-10-2014) - Two remotes management (initial release) IOLabCEF_0.24.726 - (08-17-2014) - Output config for D6 (on/off and low/high) - Fixed configuration 0x2F (ECG + A7/8/9) - Default data smoothing 5 for the wheel IOLabCEF_0.22.671 - (07-14-2014) - Unplug auto-detection workaround on win32 - Fix calibration not start acquisition automatically in some circumstances - Set output control available through a new Options menu (with calibration controls) IOLabCEF_0.20.657 - (07-08-2014) - Slope/area calculation in the chart analytics IOLabCEF_0.19.650 - (07-07-2014) - Set output control (prototype) IOLabCEF_0.19.649 - (07-04-2014) - Parametric Plot (first test version) - Sensor selection refactoring IOLabCEF_0.17.605 - (06-20-2014) - New zoom feature (Three chart modes: analytics / Zoom / Move) - Resampling of chart improvement (avoid artifacts with high frequency sensor) - New version of AngularJS (1.2.18) IOLabCEF_0.17.569 - (04-04-2014) - FFT analysis IOLabCEF_0.17.548 - (02-11-2014) - Invert the force probe calibration IOLabCEF_0.17.545 - (01-24-2014) - Chart ticks (horizontal lines) + Temperature deactivation on Pressure chart - Reset sensor selection when clicking on Reset btn - Improve sampling factor calculation for high frequency sensor to reduce antialiasing effect - Tests menu removed - Extra contextual menu cleaning IOLabCEF_0.16.534 - (01-02-2014) - Include the 'frame' and 'sample' numbers in the export file IOLabCEF_0.15.528 - (01-02-2014) - Adjuste the top header to properly deal with browser width narrowing - Set default scale of High Gain sensor to 1mV rather than 10mV IOLabCEF_0.15.524 - (12-17-2013) - Fix OSX resource file parsing containing "+" in the filename - Calibration process redesigned ####### VERSION NAMING CONVENTION (main version relates to API changes while minor one to code revision) ######### IOLabCEF_0.0.14 - (12-10-2013) - Backend support for the export feature file name (time_senrorName.csv) - win32 Packaging adaptation (new Resources folder instead of Release), the html folder is now located in the Resources folder - Implement different scale factors for different paths in the same chart (used with wheel) - Set color for the check box (legend) description - Invert scaling sliders - No more force call to setFixedConfig when selecting sensor already in the current fixedConfiguration IOLabCEF_0.0.13 - (12-05-2013) - Add icon on OSX - Additional sensors parameterization (chart scales, legends, units) - Force fixed config when selecting sensors if no data - Restore the calibration feature (styling still needed) - Disable X-sliders when the acquisition is running - Enable/disable the record button depending on the hardware state and sensor configuration - Adapt the X-zooming so that the center of the X-axis remains fixed IOLabCEF_0.0.12 - (11-27-2013) - New CEF version on the MaxOSX version (fix the slider issue) IOLabCEF_0.0.11 - (11-26-2013) - show/hide chart paths - framework for custom sensor parameterisation (legend wording, units, path color...) - X-sliders reset when restart/reset the acquisition IOLabCEF_0.0.10 - (11-21-2013) - The name of the application is now 'IOLab' (no more cefclient) - Include new GUI (work in progress) - Export data feature: the data are exported in csv in a dedicated directory - Time Scale is now in second (internal representation + chart display) - The first data time is now 1/frequency (s) and no more zero - TimeStatistics is now managed synchronously on all charts in // IOLabCEF_0.0.9 - (11-15-2013) - WorkFiles directory management (check and create it if it doesn't exist) - Resetting of the sensor offset (Force probe & Wheel) - Element (chart) dragging support (experimental) IOLabCEF_0.0.8 - (10-30-2013) - Calibration of the force probe - API and GUI - Fix wheel proble display overlap (slope not known for the last points but computed afterwards) IOLabCEF_0.0.7 - (10-23-2013) - The API can now read the calibration data for the Acc/Mag/Gyro and use them to calibrate the data - Serial port detection improvement (prevent crash) IOLabCEF_0.0.6 - (10-22-2013) - Calibration process (Acc/Mag/Gyro) through modal view IOLabCEF_0.0.5 - (10-21-2013) - Database modal view (save + query) - Temporary fix to get COM port number from serial.tmp file IOLabCEF_0.0.4 - (10-17-2013) - Improvement of the AngularJS code - API support for the document base interaction (bson save and query execution). - Now display logs in the devTools console when the application tries to connect to the serial port IOLabCEF_0.0.3 - (10-16-2013) - Example of modal view (pairing process) using UI BootStrap ( IOLabCEF_0.0.2 - (10-16-2013) - Improvement of the zooming function (do not show negative x-coordinate when zooning out) IOLabCEF_0.0.1 - (10-15-2013) - Initial alpha version